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    Create Your Own Spy Watch: Unleash Your Inner Secret Agent

    Create Your Own Spy Watch: Unleash Your Inner Secret Agent

    Ever dreamed of being a real-life spy? Imagine having your own spy watch to hide secret messages or small objects, just like a professional agent. Whether for fun or practicality, making a spy watch is easier than you think. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create your own DIY spy watch with two distinct methods to suit your needs.

    Click here for one of our spy watches: Mini Camera Voice Watch Recorder

    Method 1: Conceal Small Secrets

    Perfect for hiding tiny items like notes or messages, this method requires minimal tools and effort.

    Materials Needed:

    • Cheap analog watch (still ticking)
    • Quality glue
    • Eyewear or jeweler’s screwdriver
    • Flat surface (bench or wooden plank)
    • Small item to hide


    1. Get an Analog Watch: Find an old analog watch that still works. Ensure it ticks for a perfect disguise. 
    2. Remove Straps and Back: Use a sharp object to carefully remove the straps and the back of the watch. Keep any tiny fasteners safe. 
    3. Prepare the Compartment: Use the inner frame to hold your secret item. Glue a small piece of paper or message to the back. 
    4. Reassemble the Watch: Allow the glue to dry. Place the watch back on a flat surface, reattach the back, and screw everything back together.

    This method is ideal for quick and easy concealment, perfect for hiding small messages.

    Method 2: More Space for Bigger Secrets

    For those needing more space, this method offers a bit more room by using bottle caps.

    Materials Needed:

    • Cheap analog watch
    • Two bottle caps (same size as watch face)
    • Black duct tape
    • Eyewear screwdriver
    • Pliers (if needed)


    1. Prepare the Watch: Remove the watch straps using a suitable tool like pliers. Unscrew the back as in Method 1. 
    2. Get Bottle Caps: Find two bottle caps that match the watch face size. These will add extra space to your compartment. 
    3. Attach Bottle Caps: Glue or tape the bottle caps together securely. Ensure they don’t slip.                 
    4. Blend with Watch Face: Disguise the caps to blend with the watch. Use paint, nail polish, or duct tape to camouflage the caps. 
    5. Reattach Straps: Carefully attach the straps back on, ensuring not to cover the strap outlets.

    This method provides a larger compartment, suitable for storing slightly bigger items.
